Schamanische heilungreise nach Peru mit Joven Murayari

Ayahuasca Ceremony

AYAHUASCA (Banisteriopsis caapi), Chacruna (Psychotria viridis)

Aya : Spirit
Huasca : Liane

The Curandero culture in Peru and South America is very much alive. Despite all the influences that came from Christianity and the conquistadors, the curanderos still have a very deep connection to the art of healing and their tradition. They still have many powerful paths that lead directly into the spirit world, such as the ayahuasca ceremony. For the Curanderos, ayahuasca medicine is the "Maestramedicina" (master medicine) and the "Madre" - the mother of all healing plants.

Ayahuasca is the ancestral medicine of the Peruvian Amazon, which is still used today. The ceremonies or rituals with ayahuasca medicine are performed for cleansing, healing and strengthening. Ayahuasca medicine cleanses, heals and strengthens the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic body very strongly. It gives us visions about our future - about our potential. It gives us the understanding of past and present situations in order to clarify them and to be able to dissolve destructive patterns of behavior. Through this expansion of consciousness and the wisdom what we get, we are able to change our present and future Life for the better.

  • Physical Cleaning:

The Ayahuasca medicine helps the body and the organs to cleanse and free from slags and other, partly chemical deposits, which settle in the body through nutrition, toxins, environmental influences, etc.

  • Emotional and mental cleansing:

Some experiences or information that accumulate in the mind (memory) have a negative effect on the emotions of the people, for example depression, trauma, aggression, anger, sadness, envy, etc. Ayahuasca medicine helps to cleanse the emotional and mental body to release the information gained from lived experiences that is no longer useful and useful to the person's present life.

  • Spiritual and energetic purification:

In the spiritual and energetic body, ayahuasca medicine helps to release or purify the karma of our ancestors as well as energetic blockages and curses. It activates and strengthens the energy protection of the body.

The Ayahuasca ceremony is also important for the reconnection to our origin, our roots and our self, so that we can live in balance and harmony again.

Cleaning is an important part of our daily life. In everyday life we are used to cleansing our body externally, unfortunately we also like to forget that our body and our organs, our soul, our mind and our energy also need an inner cleansing. Often we let too much time pass until we cleanse ourselves internally or only do it when we have the feeling that our organism no longer works so well or when we feel pain.

The ritual process with ayahuasca medicine:

The ayahuasca ceremony is led by a healer (curandero) or shaman who has the ability and experience to manage the balance of energies during the ritual. He thus gives the necessary energetic protection within the ritual.

Shortly before drinking the ayahuasca medicine, you formulate your wishes for medicine such as for example physical, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual, energetic cleansing, etc., so that the spirits and energies can carry out the healing work in your body and give you the support you need in your personal life in terms of health, family, work, relationships and much more.

Around 5 to 20 minutes after ingestion, you will feel how the medicine and energies in your body begin to work. Our experience is that most people relax first at the beginning, the body begins to warm up and vibrate, and they feel a slight dizziness. Then they enter the "otherworld" inside them and their healing retreat begins. Because everybody comes with their personal topic in the ritual, the (further) inner process is very different and individual for each person.

Expiration of Ayahuasca Ceremony with Joven Murayari:

In the day, first of all Joven will give you the basic explanations about the retreat. You will have the opportunity to express why you want to participate and what you wanna clear in the retreat. After that, Joven will sing the healing songs (Icaros) for you to call the spirits that initiate the process of healing and connection. Afterwards, you will begin to relax and prepare your being for the retreat.

In the evening, you will meet with Joven again in the maloka (the house for ceremony) and everyone has the opportunity to ask questions about the ceremony. After all the questions are clarified, the ayahuasca medicine is taken. All lights and candles are turned off and extinguished. You sit in complete darkness so you can focus and immerse yourself in the visionary space.

Few minutes after drinking the medicine, Joven will begin to sing the Icaros for you, which will guide you through your inner cosmos throughout the process.

Icaros are not simple songs or traditional songs - they concentrate energies and lead you to certain inner paths. The Icaros call the energies with which you are connected. These energies come from nature or the universe and be the doctors who do the work with you. You will be able to see and feel the energies with your third eye or - in scientific terms - the pineal gland is activated.

In the work with the spirits, it is important to understand that the low-frequency vibrations stored in your aura are raised to the highest level. It is figuratively like the process of positive thinking. If you're in a good mood, you attract positive things. If you are constantly in a bad mood, with a dark cloud over your head, you attract the wrong people and not so good things. Many also call it the law of attraction. If you visualize yourself like a song or a symphony, it can be said that you begin to erase all disharmonious tones. This process of increasing your energies and cleansing can take many forms. The most important thing is to trust in yourself and in the energies, so that the process can happen most effectively.

The ceremony will last about 3 till 4 hours. The "Medicina" - ayahuasca medicine and the retreat are not limited to the day of the ceremony. The "Medicina" and the energies work for another 3 to 4 months in your whole being. It cleanses your blood and organs. You will feel vitalized and positive because you will let go the old and heavy energies that act as blockages for the fresh influences.

In the morning after breakfast you will meet again with Joven and share the experiences of your retreat. In the post-processing, Joven explains the traditional symbolic and the psychological part of the retreat. This will give you a better understanding of your process and you will be able to integrate your experience in everyday life. The medicine will reactivate your instincts so that you will be able to find more intuitively the things that are good for you.


  • Single ceremony: 200 €
    Duration: 2 days, 1 night
    * For 3 or more persons 150 € each person

    Included in the price:
    * One ayahuasca ceremony (see above - Expiration) at Ayaruna Camp
    * One flower bath
    * Transfer by boat from Tamshiyacu to Ayaruna Camp and back

  • Ayahuasca-Package: 500 €
    Duration: 4 days, 3 nights
    * For 3 or more persons 400 € each person

    Included in the offer:
    * Three ayahuasca ceremonies (see above - Expiration) at Ayaruna Camp
    * Two flower baths
    * Devolver el espirtitù al cuerpo (energy centering)
    * Stay and meals
    * Transfer from Tamshiyacu to Ayaruna Camp and back

Regardless of the package deals listed, individually offers and agreements are also possible. If you are interested in our offers, in the participation of one or more ayahuasca ceremonies or if you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

The last intake of antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, Zoloft, Prozak, etc. should be at least 5 days ago. Please let us know if there are any diseases, if so, which and what medications you may be taking. Thank you very much.

Legal Notice:
It is expressly pointed out that the activity offered does not replace the services of a doctor or therapist. If you are undergoing medical treatment for any condition, do not interrupt it under any circumstances without first consulting your doctor.